Saturday, March 6, 2010

A note to my daughter. One day, you will be ten years old and for the first time you will be big enough to feel your own individuality. Your highly evolved human brain will begin to mature with nascent cynicism and the sun that use to follow me will now be casting shadows. A restless atmosphere will overcome you on occassion. On those such days, you may want to sit alone and sit and stare out the window. I hope on those such occassions you ponder the world stretched out far before you but not forget that we remain connected. As you stretch your arms out, you may need to do so to push me away. For the connection of our souls may become burdensome to your confused heart. If you are my daughter, I know you will have to run away to learn the meaning of life. As myself, you will never stop asking. I don't want to spoil the fun by giving you the answers. We are together pieces on a chain, an ancestry of strong willed women. Each link measuring out the strength of our evolution. It is only natural for you to leave your origin in order to find your own reconnection point. I will be there with my hands stretched out when you come full circle.

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