Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Short Story

Kaolin was taking a walk one day and stumbled upon a string.
The string was sitting beneath a tree.
It was quiet and alone.
So Kaolin decided to take the string home with her.
On the way home, Kaolin wondered about the string’s family.
Did it have a mommy or daddy? A brother or a sister?
Or was the string alone by herself that day, just like Kaolin?
Kaolin sat down underneath the shade of a tree and stared at the string for quite a long time.
Perhaps they could become friends.
She held the string between two fingers and watched it very closely.
She was hoping that they could become friends.
That maybe the string could tell her a secret that no one else knew
And they would love each other forever.
All of a sudden, the string made a twitch.
A small little twitch that made Kaolin’s heart leap.
Which made the string twitch some more,
To which Kaolin’s heart beat faster.
And the string seemed to know what was running through Kaolin’s heart
For it danced between Kaolin’s fingers ever so slightly,
As if to say, “I love you. You’re my friend forever.”
Kaolin sat for a while, together with her pet string,
Underneath the shade of a tree.
And wondered what it would be like to have a friend in the whole world
Whom she could share secrets with
And who would love her always.

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